
We do not collect online identifiers that can be used to identify people. This website does not use user tracking or cookies. We also do not make calls to external URLs, i.e. no Google Analytics cookies, no Google AdWords cookies, no font services, no external javascript modules.

You can visit our website without providing any personal information. Our web provider only stores access data in so-called server log files, e.g. the name of the requested file, date and time of access, amount of data transferred and the requesting provider. This data is evaluated exclusively to ensure trouble-free operation of the site and to improve our offer and do not allow us to draw any conclusions about you personally.

However, if you contact us (e.g. by phone or email), you agree that we will process the data we receive in this way. Data transmission to third parties is not provided. You can revoke this consent at any time by sending an e-mail through our contact page, whereupon your data - if permitted by law - will be deleted.